I can see you

Lab Description

Your computer, your phone, anything with a webcam can see you, it can detect your face, hands and body.

AI can now detect your face, hand and whole body using any webcam, including the one in your phone. Using code we can use these systems and respond to them visually and critically.

This lab will be in 4 parts, all connected in one single learning opportunity to start coding from scratch and arrive at a professionally produced website that responds to the human body using Artificial Intelligence and generative graphical techniques.

This lab will have 4 sessions.

Session 1 on-site: Wednesday 26th February 15:00-17:00
Session 2 online: Wednesday 5th March 15:00-17:00
Session 3 on-site: Wednesday 12th March 15:00-17:00
Session 4 online: Wednesday 19th March 15:00-17:00

Student sign-up

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